
Quality Letterpress in San Diego

In 2012 I attended WCSD (WordCamp San Diego) and had an amazing experience. After I left that event, I knew I would be attending every future one I could realistically make it to. I made a lot of great contacts and learned some invaluable information that changed a lot of my work process. Looking back at the past year, I cannot believe how far I’ve come as a developer.

The only downside to my 2012 experience (which is completely my fault) was that I went into the weekend a little unprepared. At the time my website was offline, and had been for about a year leading up to that point. I also came without business cards, as the ones I did have, had outdated information and were completely irrelevant.
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Custom MetaBoxes and Fields: Show MetaBox on Condition

So there is an amazing project on GitHub that I’ve been utilizing for just about a year, Custom MetaBoxes and Fields for WordPress. It’s similar to the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, but there are some things about it I like more…one of those being that it’s not setup like a plugin and I can build it with unlimited flexibility into my client solutions.
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Pass PHP Code Inside of a WordPress Widget [without plugins]

I don’t consider myself a “theme developer”. I’m not spending months developing a bulletproof theme, reselling it and then providing continuous support for hundreds of users on Theme Forrest. Rather, I build custom themes that are tailored (fig 1.0) to my clients specifically. That being said, I don’t always give them access to “everything”…but one area I find they nearly always ask to take control of is the footer.
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Revelation Concept Site Launch!

Finally, after nearly three years of procrastination and obsessive-compulsive redesign after redesign…Revelation Concept is back online!

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who has shown interest in this project, and to all of my friends and family that have suffered through my working on the weekends to get this done.

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WordPress: Simple Image Substitue if no Featured Image is Selected

WordPress Post Thumbnails (also known as Featured Images) are a great feature that was added to WordPress in version 2.9. Though not “required” and often times not even utilized, there are certain instances where forgetting the post thumbnail will break a layout or the functionality of your page.

For example, I recently developed an eCommerce site where we were using the WP Featured Image as the default image for the shopping index page. There were often times when the client would be adding a large quantity of products at once, and would forget to select the post thumbnails. Or, another senario…let’s say that same client has a product they want to list, but there is no image available, for whatever reason they would like to list the product and come back to it later.

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