Illustrator CS4 Selection Tool Won’t Scale
Whenever I get stuck with a CS4 issue, I do what any smart, tech-savvy, genius-type person would do…I Google. If you’re trying to find the answer to this issue: “Illustrator CS4 Selection Tool Won’t Scale”, you’re going to get a lot of results…but if you’re having the problem I was having, all of those results will be WRONG.
Feedback indicates this fix also works for newer version of Illustrator (CS5, CS5.5 and CS6).
When you are using the Selection Tool in Illustrator CS4, you cannot scale objects. You can move them but you cannot re-size or rotate them.
Recommended Solution:
View >> Show Bounding Box
Still not working? My problem too.
Actual Solution:
Save your AI projects and close the program. Re-launch the program and immediately hold “SHIFT + CTRL + ALT”, continue holding until AI opens. This will reset your AI preferences…PROBLEM SOLVED!
thanks xD
Thank you, View >> Show Bounding Box did it for me!
So, I hope I understand you correctly. But to be honest I’m just not too sure that it’s something I really want to try. Seems a bit risky. Lol I’m kind of a big scaredy cat.
It’s been a while since I had to do this, and I remember being a bit nervous as well…but it worked! And it didn’t alter anything else that I noticed. Good luck!
I had been frustrated beacuse I couldn’t solve this problem. I quickly discovered your website in the search engines and problem is solved. Many thanks!
thanks :) :) :)